How to Fix Vertical Lines on Samsung LCD TV? Easy Guide

In general, Samsung-led TVs with vertical lines on the monitor are the ones that can be the most challenging, but there is no problem for which an experienced technician cannot find a solution.

They can take the form of colored or black lines and images that resemble double (or triple, or more) exposures in a photograph, where images overlap.

There are several things you may try to do to remedy the situation, regardless of what you are seeing. This article will address How to Fix Vertical Lines on Samsung LCD TV?

It’s always discouraging when your Samsung TV breaks down or stops working. You can experience a problem with your Samsung TV in which vertical lines appear.

Restoring the image on your Samsung TV should not be difficult, depending on the cause. After a few simple tests to identify the issue, it should work as well as when it was brand new.

Even if this isn’t always the case, determining the following steps will be much easier after identifying the issue. The following provides you with all the information you want.

Reasons for Vertical Lines on Samsung LCD TV

Repairing your Samsung TV doesn’t have to be complicated. Once you have determined what is causing those lines, you will only need to follow a few simple actions. The following are the reasons that may cause vertical lines on Samsung led tv.

T-Con Circuit Malfunctions

Your television may display vertical lines if the T-con board fails to function correctly or if the flat cable and the TV connection are not secure.

You may also note a vertical line on your Samsung TV if there is a bad connection between the panel and the processing board.

Problem with TV Components

In addition, the problem could be caused by a problem with your TV’s components. For example, a problem with the scalar PCB, which supplies pixel data to the motherboards and the T-Con boards, seems prone to causing the issue.

One function of the T-con is to provide timing control. It means that if it is defective, it may not be able to manage the timing of pixels properly on the screen.

Cof-iC Connection Issue

It’s a Cof-iC connection issue – if the screen is disconnected from the tv, the screen can’t acquire the correct pixel data. Cof-IC damage necessitates replacement with the Tab binding machine and a new connection of TV parts.

Screen Deterioration

The presence of water or excessive moisture on the screen makes it more likely that the screen will deteriorate. Therefore, your TV may display some horizontal lines.

Devices that are Located Nearby

If your TV is near a microwave or cooling system, it could display the error. When placed near an unshelled speaker and a cell phone, the signal may be disrupted, resulting in a change in the hue of the light. By moving the appliances around, you can solve this problem.

Unsecured Cables and Wires 

The screen can be damaged by Loose cables and wires, such as those on the control board, or even by problems with the grounding. You can fix the issue by tightening the slack in the wire.

You can temporarily solve the problem by tapping the back of the device. The lines may disappear for a short period. You can, however, attempt to diagnose and repair the malfunctioning wiring.

Rust on the Television 

In addition, if the rust on the television frames spreads to the flat cable connector near it, it may cause colorful lines to appear vertically on the screen.

Additionally, if humidity spreads to the flat cable connector on an LED television, it might cause the tv to rust, which will appear on the screen as colorful lines.

Poor Connection 

On a Samsung LED TV, you can often trace vertical lines back to one of two sources: a faulty connection or an issue with the processor.

If the problem is a poor connection, you should be able to solve it on your own by following the troubleshooting procedures that are provided below.

Processing Issue 

On the other hand, if the issue is related to the processing, it indicates that you might have a malfunctioning processing board, scalar PCB, T-Con, or Cof-IC. You will need to have a qualified technician inspect and fix your television in this scenario.

How to Tell if the Lines on a Samsung LED TV Are Fixed or Moveable?

First of all, examine to see if the lines on the monitor are constantly moving or if they are fixed. It is an indication that the HDMI cable and the DVD cable are not connected correctly if the lines on the screen are moving.

In that situation, remove the HDMI cable from the smart TV and hub, and then reattach it to both devices correctly. After that, check to see if the problem is still occurring.

If the lines on the screen do not go away, this indicates that the LCD panel is broken. You will need to switch out the panel for a whole new one in such a scenario.

On the panel, however, permanent lines will typically appear due to water damage, a cracked screen, or a failure of the gate driver. 

How to Get Rid of Lines That Run Vertically on Samsung Televisions?

What Causes Horizontal Lines on Tv Screen Samsung

You should first check to see if the problem stems from a poor HDMI cable connection before testing. Lines running across the screen indicate a problem with one of the connections.

To correct this, you don’t need to run any tests. Switch the television’s input channel. Follow the method mentioned below to Fix Vertical Lines on Samsung LCD TV.

Method 1: By Checking your Cable Connections

It is possible for the signal to get garbled and for there to be vertical or horizontal lines if the cable is defective or if it was not attached to the input or output ports securely.

Test with the following:

  • Ensure that all of the cords are appropriately fastened to the external device and the TV.
  • If you have a replacement cable, you should use that instead.
  • Check to see that the picture format settings on your external device are identical to those on your TV.

It’s also possible that your external device is broken, which would cause these lines to appear. Blu-ray players, game consoles, and set-top boxes are examples of gadgets that fall under external devices. If the widget is broken, you will need to fix it or replace it. 

Method 2: By Power Cycling the Samsung LED TV

Restart your television by pressing the power button a few times. Power cycling a Samsung LED TV can correct the black vertical lines on the screen.

  • Turn off your television.
  • Turn off the power source.
  • At the very least, wait two minutes before moving on.
  • Plug the power cord back in.
  • Turn on your television and see if the problem has been resolved.

Method 3: By Connecting with COF-IC

Connects your television screen to other components through Cof-IC. No pixels will be seen on the screen if it is destroyed. As a result, you can use the tab binding machine to replace the Cof-IC and get it working again.

It’s possible that a problem with the TV’s video connections is to blame at times. Depending on the cause of the issue, you may need to try reconnecting the cable to the video game system or Blu-ray player.

Problems with video resolution may need accessing the device and matching the resolution. Consult the TV’s manual for specifications. Consider the signal decoder.

In some circumstances, it’s the decoder’s fault. If this is the case, you need to get in touch with the seller. The replacement of obsolete television software will solve the problem. 

Method 4:  By Inspecting the Hardware Damages

A faulty T-Con board may cause vertical lines on an LCD screen. The T-Con or pacing control card controls the frequency of images appearing on the screen. It is only possible to fix or replace your T-Con board if it is defective.

The T-Con board can be removed and a new one installed by yourself. Nonetheless, if you choose this option, you must be careful not to damage anything on the television.

The best solution is to seek the assistance of a technician. If a warranty still covers your TV, get in touch with the maker for help.

Method 5: By Performing a Picture Test

Using the Samsung smart TV’s picture test, users may determine if the screen has a problem and get a positive result. Using this capability, you can investigate a display-related issue on a Smart TV device.

A picture test is essential to see if the smart TV is suitable for the image. To solve How to Fix Vertical Lines on Samsung LCD TV , follow the procedures below:

Step 1: Press the “Home” button on the TV remote to access the Smart Hub menu. 

Step 2: Choose Settings from the drop-down setting/menu on the screen.

Step 3: Go to the Support tab and pick Device Care from the drop-down menu.

Step 4: It’s time for a Quick Scan to begin. It’s possible that the scan won’t be finished for a long.

Step 5: Afterwards, choose Self Diagnosis from its list of options at the bottom of the screen.

Step 6: Select Picture Test using the scroll over the key and OK.

Step 7: Make one last check to see if the error is still present.

Frequently Asked Question

What Causes a Vertical Line on Tv Screen?

Vertical lines on a TV can be caused by unsecured cords, screen damage, or a malfunctioning T-Con board. Too much TV time might generate vertical lines.

Why Is There a Line in the Middle of My Samsung Tv?

A bar or stripes on the screen might have many sources. A dead pixel line. A faulty TV controller. The TV’s external device.

Can a Samsung Flat Screen Tv Be Fixed?

A Samsung Repair center can repair TVs more significantly than 32 inches. Before getting it serviced, you should take care of a few things. Find a Repair Facility near you and make an appointment.


Horizont Samsung TV Problems with both the hardware and the software might result in horizontal lines appearing on the screen. For example, if the line does not go away, this indicates a problem with the hardware.

Meanwhile, the lines are moving, which is something that may be readily fixed using these ways of troubleshooting. You can set a television screen with lines on it in a few different ways. 

You might, for instance, switch channels to see whether the lines display on all of the changes, alter the source of the input, check the coaxial cables, or power cycle your device to see if that helps.

Although, if the problem is with the hardware components, you should not attempt to fix it if you do not have enough necessary experience.

Instead, it would be best to get in touch with the device’s maker or a professional for additional assistance.