How to Make an Ankle Monitor More Comfortable?

When you consider ankle monitoring, you might believe it is an innovative approach to keep people who would otherwise be imprisoned in their homes. The use of ankle monitoring has grown in popularity over the last several years due to technological advancements.

It is also vital to understand how it works, the reasons for its existence, the benefits of its use, and its comfortability. Thus, in this post, we will discover How to Make an Ankle Monitor More Comfortable?

Between 2005 and 2015, the number of people wearing ankle monitors more than doubled. Criminal offenders must wear ankle bands or monitors while under home arrest, parole, or probation.

They may indeed wear them before or following a person’s criminal trial. Additionally, the bracelets are utilized to track alcohol use and the whereabouts of undocumented immigrants facing deportation from the United States.

About Ankle Monitor?

An ankle monitor (alternatively referred to as a rope or ankle bracelet) is a device that citizens on house arrest are forced to wear to avoid being arrested and alleviate jail overcrowding. An ankle monitor is used during pretrial detention, as a court-imposed condition or order, or during parole.

Parts of Ankle Monitor

An ankle monitor system is typically composed of three major components:

  • A bracelet for the ankle
  • A receiver on-site
  • A receiver for remote control

How Can You Improve the Comfort of Your Ankle Monitor?

To additional comfort, consider wearing a sweatband or rolled-down sock to keep the bracelet from “bouncing” on the ankle bone. Ensure that nothing comes between the ankle monitor and the leg.

What Are Some Justifications for Wearing an Ankle Bracelet?

Make an Ankle Monitor More Comfortable

It is essential to know some of the more obvious reasons to wear ankle monitors.

Alcoholic Beverage Surveillance

A judge may order a convicted criminal of driving while impaired by alcohol or other substances to carry an ankle bracelet instead of or in addition to serving jail time.

You can use Ankle bracelets to monitor alcohol consumption with a DUI case. The bracelet frequently includes testing the offender’s sweating for the case of alcohol. 

Alternative to Detention for Immigration

Suppose an individual enters the United States illegally and faces criminal prosecutions, also known as deportation.

In that case, ICE may occasionally allow the individual to stay free only until the removal hearing rather than being detained in an immigration detention center.

To remain free, the immigrant should wear an ankle bracelet that allows ICE to track his current location at all times. 

Condition of Arrest at Home

House arrest, also referred to as residential confinement, is occasionally ordered by judges as an option to jail or as a circumstance of parole or probation. Additionally, an offender may be accorded house arrest whether he is ill or physically disabled.

In the particular instance of house arrest, the ankle monitor records the offender’s location concerning his residence. However, travelling outside of an allowed area will typically alert law enforcement.

Regularly, the ankle monitor transmits a signal to a receiver carrying location and other data. If radiofrequency is used, you can choose this distance between 50 and 300 feet from the base.

If GPS is used, the officer identifies the offender’s range of movement. If an offender walks outside an officer’s permitted range, the officer will notify.

Ankle monitors are tamper-resistant and can alert the authorities to attempted removals, such as cutting the fiber optic in the band, resulting in a break in the light being noticed.

The Ankle Monitor’s Functioning

The most frequently used configuration is a GPS Cellular transmitter. This unit is entirely self-contained. It triangulates its position and communicates via the cell phone signal with the base computers. Specific units will also make use of wireless networks.

Of course, the GPS satellite data is used to more precisely estimate its position within just a few feet (20 to 30 ft.) of accuracy. If the unit loses its cellular service, it continues to experience its GPS coordinates. 

Suppose an offender fails to appear at a designated location, like his home or place of employment or fails to follow a prescribed path.

The service center receives an alarm message, subsequently communicated to the monitoring probation or probation officer. GPS units all have a similar design. Individuals may also monitor subject to a protection order via GPS.

Rules for Wearing a GPS Ankle Monitor

When an offender is sentenced to house arrest, they must follow several rules.

  • One of the most frequently followed the rules when wearing an ankle monitor is to continue working. To reintegrate into society, inmates can leave the detention centre and live at home. Maintaining employment is frequently necessary due to the monthly cost of wearing an ankle monitor.
  • Offenders must maintain a drug- and alcohol-free lifestyle, even more so if they have prior prescription or alcohol-related convictions. While a GPS ankle monitor can help ensure that offenders remain within the confines of their sentence, some monitors also include constructed alcohol and drug detection.
  • When a court issues an ankle monitor to an individual, the court also approves travel destinations. You will determine these places in court, and any additional travel will be subject to approval by the assigned officer. Church, school, work, healthcare facilities, probation or parole officer meetings, rehabilitation centres, and the place of community service are all popular targets for this trip.
  • The most critical rule regarding using a GPS ankle monitor is that the offender does not remove it. There is no reason to remove the monitor because it is waterproof and tamper-proof. GPS ankle monitors are intended to identify when an offender has strayed outside of predefined limits and when they attempt to tamper with them.
  • The court agrees to allow the individual to live under house arrest with an ankle monitor if they pay all court fees. It is comparable to the payment of bail. If this individual does not make the payment, they will almost certainly face imprisonment.

Advantages of Wearing an Ankle Monitor

  • One of the most compelling arguments against house arrest as an alternative to incarceration is its ineffectiveness. It, however, is not valid. GPS ankle monitoring employs cutting-edge tracking technologies to improve that the wearer is always where they should be. 24/7, parole officers can monitor the individual’s whereabouts. 
  • Probation also benefits society as a whole by increasing the likelihood of rehabilitation. According to studies, those placed on house arrest have a lower recidivism rate than those incarcerated. While incarceration is more punitive, house arrest effectively prevents future crimes. It significantly reduces the likelihood of subsequent offences and ensures the safety of others.
  • Numerous individuals who have been fitted with superior GPS monitoring anklets are still facing sentencing. It means they remain innocent and that imprisoning them would be unjust. An ankle bracelet allows them greater freedom while awaiting trial, does not detach them, and does not obstruct their progress in life. 
  • The wearer’s blood alcohol concentration is monitored via a house arrest ankle bracelet. It prevents them from drinking alcohol throughout this period. It is beneficial to everyone but is particularly advantageous to those whose illegal actions stem from substance abuse.
  • One of the most beneficial aspects of probation is that the individual is not required to be at home at all times. However, most people under house arrest are permitted to commute to and from employment each day. It inspires a sense of purpose and meaning in the individual. It encourages them to make a positive contribution to others and society. Additionally, it assists in defraying trial-related expenses, which is highly beneficial for low-income families.

People Also Ask For These Question

Can You Wear a Sock Under an Ankle Monitor?

Participants may wear whatever they like as long as nothing gets between the bracelet and the skin; footwear should be slipped over or tucked beneath the bracelet.

Exercise is allowed, and you can wear thick socks or a sweatband beneath the bracelet to keep it from bouncing around on the ankle.

Can Ankle Monitors Listen to Conversations?

Specific ankle monitors include built-in microphones that allow you to listen and record your conversations.

However, most states have not yet enacted legislation allowing for the use of these listening devices. They are now exclusively used in Illinois, Indiana, and Puerto Rico.

How Far Can You Go on Ankle Monitor?

You may travel up to 50 feet and 150 feet in exceptional circumstances; nevertheless, it is assumed that you will be within 30 feet when the data is scheduled to be uploaded.


While ankle monitors pretend to be comfortable, it’s far from the fact. Ankle monitors are just as harmful to the body as to the mind. Physical consequences may be irreversible for parolees required to wear ankle monitors for years.

However, they can be made more comfortable by incorporating a sweatband or rolling down the sock. I hope this Guide will assist you o determining How to Make an Ankle Monitor More Comfortable? Additionally, this article discusses how ankle monitors work, the requirements for wearing them, and their benefits.

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