How to Dispose CRT Monitor? Easy Guide

Cathode ray tubes (CRTs) utilizes in electronic devices as the glass video display element. Like the G3 iMacs, a few all-in-one computers have CRT displays as an option.

Recycling a cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor comprises four to eight pounds of lead, and these devices generally have phase-out of the market. So, in this post, I’ll discuss How to Dispose CRT Monitor?

Mercury-containing fluorescent lamps most likely illuminate a liquid crystal display (LCD) panel. There is no reason to maintain either of these metals in the monitor.

Comp renew focuses on refurbishment rather than recycling CRT monitors, televisions, and other electronic devices whenever possible.

CRTs can be recycled if reusing, repairing, or refurbishing them is not an option. Recycling CRTs involves disassembling them to reprocess the salvageable parts into new products or recycled back into raw materials. As a result, it’s critical to avoid disposing of these monitors in landfills and recycle them with care.

Why Are Waste CRTs a Problem?

Waste processing in the electronics recycling sector evolves as processes develop and markets move. CRT recycling used to be a ‘closed-loop process,’ which recycled old leaded glass tubes into new designs; however, modern technology eliminates the need for leaded glass tubes (Consider plasma televisions and computer monitors.)

There is less demand for leaded glass, which was once a commodity, and as a result, some recyclers are encountering difficulties.

As a waste producer, you are responsible for ensuring that end-of-life devices are disposed of safely and legally, so it is essential to Dispose CRT Monitor. The easiest method to minimize your responsibility is to work with a reliable recycling company.

A thorough e-waste recycling program safeguards your organization against unnecessary problems and expenditures while benefiting the environment.

What Does a Cathode Ray Monitor Include?

Where to Dispose of CRT Monitors Free

CRT monitors, like CRT televisions, are based on the same fundamental principle and technology. While CRT monitors and televisions performed admirably at the time, many individuals moved to LCD monitors and televisions throughout the years, resulting in a tremendous influx of unneeded CRT monitors and televisions.

The chemicals and components included within CRT displays, on the other hand, are toxic and must be managed and disposed of appropriately.

These sensors progressively disintegrate when decompose, allowing harmful chemicals and heavy metals to permeate the soil.

They can then reintroduce themselves into the human ecology via plants and animals. When mismanaged, these heavy metals might cause injury to individuals charged with recycling them.

Lead is the most noticeable metal in CRT monitors; some older monitors can have up to four pounds of lead within the glass vacuum.

Additionally, they contain cadmium, an extremely hazardous metal, and trace quantities of arsenic. Flame retardants, including various devices, are also hazardous when correctly disposed of.

How Is CRT Recycling Conducted?

Consumers or businesses begin the recycling process by taking their CRT displays to an electronic recycling drop-off location, such as GreenCitizen.

The CRTs are transported from the collection center to a recycling facility for further processing—regrettably, many electronic collectors transport CRTs overseas, where they dump. If you choose an e-Steward certified recycler, you can rest assured that you will appropriately recycle your electronic waste in the United States.

Collection of Onboard Components 

Before you do so, you may wish to consider collecting the onboard components such as transistors, heatsinks, resistors, capacitors, and particularly the flyback transformer for future cool projects.

Remove the Plastic Casings

When the CRT monitor’s disassembly procedure begins, the plastic casing remove. It is accomplished manually by exposing the panel glass, the glass tube, the electronic chipboards, the wiring, and the electron gun. 

Take of the Anode and Cathode

Cathode and anode units are present in the electron cannon. The cathodes are a series of heated filaments that generate an electric current.

The anode’s positive charge attracts electrons away from the copper components of the cathode and directs them to form the image. Each of these components contains various elements that are removed and separated into several bins for recycling.

Disconnect the Tube’s Ground Wires

To disconnect the electronic circuit from the tube and housing, cut all ground wires around the tube.

Dismantling of the Glass Tube 

A vacuum seal contains within the glass tube. To avoid the unit imploding, it must dismantle using specialist equipment. Within the glass is a phosphorous layer that lights when illuminated. This phosphorous removes to recycle the glass. 

Generally, the glass used in the tube has 20% lead by weight. Lead is frequently added to glass to improve optical quality and function as a barrier against the radiation produced by electrons. The lead glass must melt before being utilized to manufacture new CRT monitors.

Main Circuit Board Disassembly

To detach the circuit board, two tabs beneath the bottom must unlatch first, followed by the metal structure with the circuit board.

The circuit board can move freely after the tabs have loosened. Disconnect all electrical connectors from the main circuit board.

After removing the main circuit board from the assembly, the remaining connectors become visible. Unplug the fast connectors and trim the remaining connected wires near the circuit board to make them more usable in the future.


They all go through the separation process after separating the plastics, electrical guns, glass rods, motherboards, cables, and other miscellaneous components. Following are the steps mentioned below to Dispose CRT Monitor.

  • They are crushed, vibrated, shredded, or sprayed with a high water current to separate the various materials. 
  • Once separated, strong magnets with unique electrical charges for each metal utilizes to separate the various metals, including copper, gold, iron, and steel.
  • After these components are separated, they are frequently sold to different processors for further refinement and subsequently sold for use in new materials.
  • This procedure will mitigate mining’s impact on the environment and keep contaminants out.

Is It Worthwhile to Recycle CRT Monitors?

CRT recycling is currently an expensive procedure that does not provide a lot of revenue. As a result, several recycling organizations charge for collecting CRT monitors and televisions.

Was developed CRT technology was before the advent of real environmental concerns, and as a result, they are not the most recyclable electronics.

Many people are willing to pay a little charge to remove these bulky relics from their houses. They are unlawful to dump in many regions, and curbside rubbish collection agencies are not authorized to collect them. As a result, individuals leave with only one choice: pay the price.

While many recycling programs will accept these electronics, this does not necessarily imply recycling them properly. Certain businesses profit from the shipment of CRT monitors to developing nations, where they disassemble, burn, or are left to rot.

Dangers Associated With Incorrect CRT Recycling

  • Improper handling of CRTs can result in the breakage of the glass envelope, which makes leaded glass a hazardous chemical that poses a significant risk to the environment.
  • Additionally, barium compounds are a significant health hazard because they are a water-soluble substance that can cause heart abnormalities, nervous system damage, anxiety, and even paralysis when consumed in large doses.

Frequently Asked Question

Are CRT Monitors Recyclable?

A cathode ray tube (CRT) is an electronic device’s glass video display component. You can recycle CRTs if reusing or repairing them is not feasible. Typically, recycled CRTs disassemble to retrieve precious materials.

What Are the Recycling Techniques Available for CRT Recycling?

Closed-loop recycling allows for the reuse of trash in the manufacture of new CRTs. In open-loop recycling, you should repurpose waste in various manufacturing processes. CRT recycling occurs in two distinct stages: glass-to-glass recycling and glass-to-lead recycling.

How Are CRT Monitors Recycled?

Consumers or businesses begin the recycling process by taking their CRT displays to an electronic recycling drop-off location, such as GreenCitizen. The CRTs are transported from the collection center to a recycling facility for further processing.

Are CRT Monitors Bad for the Environment?

Lead content of up to 1.5-2 kg in a single piece of CRT profoundly affects the environment and human health. When lead-filled CRT glass disposes of in landfills, the leachate seeps into the soil and groundwater, while lead dust particles may pollute the air when pounded into bits.


The purpose of recycling CRTs is to keep them out of landfills since they contain high levels of lead and phosphor, which are contaminants you don’t want polluting the environment or seeping into underground water supplies.

The most environmental friendly way to dispose of CRTs is by controlled glass degradation, which involves neutralizing dangerous chemical compounds before final disposal.

By disassembling all monitor components and then re-washing them, painting can be vital for recycling. I hope this tutorial addressed all of your concerns regarding How to Dispose CRT Monitor?

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